Changing jobs can be daunting. Changing careers can be overwhelming! We spend more time at work than we do anywhere else, so it’s key that we’re doing something we’re passionate about.
When our job lacks passion and meaning, facing the workday can become exhausting and demotivating. You may have heard the phrase “climbing the ladder of success just to find out it is on the wrong building.” Are you working hard to achieve success, but discovering your efforts may be misdirected or focused on the wrong things?
Is Your Ladder on the Right Building? A Self-Reflection Evaluation
This simple exercise can help you gain a glimmer of clarity on whether your efforts are leading you toward a life of meaning and purpose, or if it is time to reconsider your career direction and make necessary adjustments. Take a moment to reflect honestly on the following statements and rate each 1-4 based on the scale below.
Scoring System:
Rate each question on a scale of 1-4
1= Strongly disagree (This doesn’t apply to me at all.)
2= Disagree (I don’t feel this way most of the time.)
3= Agree (This somewhat applies to me.)
4= Strongly Agree (This fully applies to me.)
1. I feel fulfilled and excited about the work I am doing, rather than being driven mainly by external expectations (i.e., money, status, recognition).
2. I’m able to pursue my career goals without sacrificing things that deeply matter to me, such as my relationships, health, or passions.
3. If I achieved my career goals, I believe I would feel a true sense of accomplishment, without wondering ‘what’s next’ right away.
4. I am pursuing my career goals because they genuinely resonate with who I am, not because it’s what I feel I should be doing based on external pressures or societal norms.
5. I rarely feel disconnected, unmotivated, or uncertain about my direction and I feel that I am making progress toward something meaningful.
Total Score Breakdown:
16-20 points: Your ladder is on the right building. You are on a path that aligns with your values, desires, and sense of purpose. Keep climbing!
11-15 points: The ladder rungs are mostly aligned, but there may be a few areas where you should reflect and adjust for better core value alignment.
6-10 points: There is likely a significant disconnection between your career goals and your true self. You may be on the wrong ladder or the wrong building. It is time for some deep self-reflection and reassessment of your career goals.
5 points or below: You are definitely on the wrong ladder or the wrong building. Time for a serious evaluation of your professional and personal priorities and goals. It is not too late to find the right ladder and building!
Finding the right career aligned with your personal values is not impossible, but it does take time and effort. It begins with self-reflection and identifying what is most important to you. Coaching can help you reposition that ladder to truly align with your core values and passions.
I’m waiting at the first step. Let’s do some exploring and find your building!